Below is a ‘copy and paste’ from the following NSW Sport and Recreation webpage – – providing some FAQs on the Active Kids Voucher program to be implemented in early 2018.
Also attached is a copy of the Active Kids program – Provider guidelines Active_Kids_Provider_Guidelines_20180108.pdf
It is recommended that you also register to receive email updates on the Program – please complete this form –Â
Judo NSW has been following up with SportsTG (our membership system vendor) on the integration of the Active Kids voucher system with our Judo NSW membership process.
We will provide further updates as and when SportsTG communicate their implementation plan.
Who can register to be a provider?
Active Kids commences in early 2018. Provider registration opens after the program launch date.
To register as a provider in the Active Kids program you must deliver a structured sport or activity program of at least eight weeks’ duration and be a:
* sporting club/association affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Organisation located in NSW, or
* for-profit or not-for-profit activity provider located in NSW.
All providers must hold a current ABN, ACN or Certificate of Incorporation and must not have any outstanding actions or enforcement orders recorded by the Office of Fair Trading.
All providers must be approved by, and registered as an Active Kids provider prior to accepting vouchers.
Providers must hold appropriate skills, experience, or qualifications for low risk activities and appropriate accreditation for high risk activities, specifically swimming and fitness activities. Providers also need to hold Working with Children Check clearances for staff or volunteers, as required.
Providers operating in rural or remote areas of NSW and/or those working with children with disabilities who may not otherwise meet the above criteria should discuss their registration with the Office of Sport.
What can the voucher be used for?
The voucher can be used for registration, membership or participation fees for structured activities that provide a moderate to vigorous level of physical activity. For example:
* sporting pursuits
* swimming lessons
* structured fitness program
* outdoor education programs
* approved active recreation (dance etc)
* equipment ordinarily provided by the provider on registration for competition.
What is excluded?
Excluded activities include:
* programs that are less than 8 weeks’ duration
* gym membership that is not part of a structured program
* activities that are part of the school curriculum or conducted during school hours
* after-school care services and tutors
* school-run competitions, including weekend inter-school sport competitions or activities
* travel to and from competitions.
How long are vouchers valid?
Vouchers provided are valid for redemption during the current calendar year activity program (Year 1 will commence from 31 January and expire on 31 December 2018). Vouchers shall expire at the end of the calendar year.
2019 vouchers and beyond will commence from 1 January each year and expire on 31 December.
No availability exists for retrospective redemption of vouchers.
Vouchers are available for redemption once only for the nominated registered season or term of activity.
How do you register as a provider?
Consultations with the state sport and active recreation sector are currently in progress. Clubs and associations affiliated with a state or national sport organisation or a peak recreation body should contact their state association about registration, particularly if a central online registration platform is being used to register players or participants.
Individual providers will be able to register in March 2018.
How do individual clubs or private organisations (whether not-for-profit or for-profit organisations) register as a provider?
Once Active Kids has commenced in early 2018, providers will be required to create an online MyServiceNSW Business Account in order to submit your registration for approval.
The expected opening date for provider registration is from 1 March 2018.
When will providers be reimbursed the value of the vouchers?
Providers will be reimbursed within 28 days following commencement of the program.
From 1 March 2018, reimbursement to providers should occur within seven days of the redemption of vouchers, either through the provider’s Active Kids – Service NSW account or through a recognised registration platform, approved by the Office of Sport.
Please note that providers will be reimbursed the actual value of the activity up to $100 and do not automatically receive $100 for each voucher.
No retrospective reimbursement of fees will be paid. It is understood that clubs may allow for part or deferred payment at registration.
Can prices be increased by providers?
Providers cannot raise their fees above a reasonable level (i.e. pricing of participation shall not be increased directly as a result of registration as an Active Kids provider).
Providers cannot apply differential pricing for voucher holders vs non-voucher holders.
Providers (including sports clubs) shall be subject to audit. Those providers found to have unreasonably increased their fees, or engaged in differential pricing or other breach of the program, may be deregistered as an Active Kids provider.
When can families start downloading and using their vouchers?
From 31 January 2018 families will be able to claim their voucher/s online from the NSW Government. Providers must ensure they are a registered provider before accepting vouchers.
Can clubs located outside NSW register with Active Kids?
No. A club located outside NSW will not be eligible to register with Active Kids, even if it has NSW residents involved in its activities or competitions. Vouchers can only be used with approved providers located in NSW.
A club located in NSW is eligible to register however if it has children registered who live another State or Territory, those children will not be eligible to claim a voucher.
Children must reside in NSW to be eligible for a voucher.
Some examples are:
* A club in QLD with players residing in northern NSW – the club is ineligible to register. Children residing in NSW who are members of that QLD club are eligible for a voucher but may only redeem their voucher with an organisation located in NSW.
* A club in the ACT with registered participants who reside in NSW – Queanbeyan or Yass for example – is ineligible to register.
* An association located in VIC providing competitions for both VIC and NSW-based clubs – the VIC clubs are ineligible to register with Active Kids, however clubs located in NSW are eligible to register.
* A club in northern NSW with registered participants living in QLD will be eligible to register with Active Kids, however the QLD participants will not be eligible to claim a voucher for use at that club.
Where can I get more information?
Please watch this space – – for further updates or subscribe to email updates below.
An Active Kids enquiry line will open in mid-January 2018.