what’s it like being a volunteer for judo?
We’ve collected these quotes from members of our community who’ve volunteered at some of our recent events
“I like meeting other members of the Judo community and helping out where I can.” – John, 65
“My kids have done Judo since they were little tackers, and I’m happy to help out with running the tournaments. It’s easier than I thought it would be.” – Getzabel, 34, mother of Jett
“I had fun marshalling all these big tough Judokas during the competition to make sure they got to the mat on time.” – Jordan, aged 9.
“I learnt how to run the competition management system and how to score. It helped me understand better how Judo works.” – Bronwyn, 19
“They needed someone who had specific IT and marketing skills – I figured I could help out and make Judo a bit better for everyone” – Leo, 26