Judo NSW is providing all Clubs with venue specific QR Codes to assist with the Covid-19 tracing requirements.
These QR Codes are linked to our Judo NSW (revolutioniseSPORT) Membership System. Venue Check-in reporting will be available for club administrators and NSW Health on request.
How it works
Use your QR Reader and you will be directed to our Judo NSW Membership System)
You will then have different venue ‘check-in’ options depending on whether you are a Judo NSW member or not
Judo NSW Member
Use your QR Code Reader to scan the specific club venue QR Code.
Log into your Judo NSW (RevSport) using your username & password, you will have the option to ‘Check-in’ to the venue.
You can also ‘Check-out’ when leaving the venue.
Hint – speed up the process (especially if there is a queue) by first logging into your membership account before reading the QR code.
If you are not a member you will be asked to enter the following details
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone/Mobile
- Address
Hint – consider becoming a member of Judo NSW – we also have Associate Memberships for people that are a part of our Judo ‘community’ that do not practice Judo.
Venue Check-in Reports
Club Administrators can request venue Check-in Reports from Judo NSW ([email protected])